Geographic Tiahunaco Culture: Located at 3842 m above sea level, south of Lake Titicaca, the highlands housed one of the traditions that bring the seeds of the first imperial phenomenon in this part of the continent "The Huari Empire".
Puerta del Sol, the deity of the staffs carved in high relief is observed.
The so-called "deity of the staffs" was the chief god and tiahuanacotas, this represents a heavenly god hypothesis and according to some, it could be the same deity of the Aymara posterioresreinos Tunupa, or Wiracocha of late deity incas.7Históricamente the staffs is worshiped in the Collao plateau since before the tiahuanacotas and appears late in the wari.8
Iconography, the best achieved and maintained in the deity of the staffs representation is in the Home of the sun, where the deity appears in central position surrounded by loved alados.7
There is evidence that tiahuanacotas rites were very complex and linked to the consumption of hallucinogenic substances. The substances used in addition to coca leaves, seeds were anadenanthera or parica and tablets were consumed; tablets were depicted in sculptures like the monolith tiahuanacotas Bennett and Ponce, besides being found in the tombs of Tiwanaku and San Pedro de Atacama. Apparently these hallucinogens were available in tiahuanacotas enclaves in the Chapare and both were consumed by the priests as human beings sacrificados.5
In excavations at the archaeological site of Akapana they found materials as offerings, pottery, fragments of copper, camel bones and human burials. These objects were found in the first and second level of the pyramid and accompanying Akapana ceramic corresponds to phase III of the tiahuanacotas.9
On the basis of the first level Akapana dismembered men and children to whom lacked the skull were found; these human remains were accompanied by ceramic camels also disjointed. On the second level a completely disarticulated human torso was found. A total of 10 human burials, of which 9 were male were found. These sacrifices are, seemingly, to offerings dedicated to the construction of the pyramid.
SCULPTURE ARCHITECTURE-lytic: Megalithic stone entregrampada
-kalasasaya: courtyard semi underground
-Akapana: Fortaleza
-Puma Punko: Temple (door or cover of the puma)
-chulpas: funeral stone constructions (royal tombs)
-Kantatayita: (Light of Dawn)
Tiwanaku architectural complex is located 20 kilometers south of Lake Titicaca. It is a compound of administrative and religious buildings surrounding squares and platforms semi-sunken city center. At the center of this complex is the building of Kalasasaya. Other buildings are: the Temple Semisubterráneo, Keri Cala, Putuni, Laka Kollu; and Akapana, Wila Pukara Pumapunku and pyramids, which served as residence to the priestly elite.
Much of the Tiwanaku architecture could not be maintained due to the low adobe resitencia face of such severe weather conditions.
The ceremonial center measures 126 m. long by 117 m. wide.
Inside there is a large patio
rectangular sunk to which you descend a staircase carved from a single rock of six steps; passing through a monolithic door in its center
is the "Estela" or "Ponce Monolith."
- Chulpas: They developed several tiposarquitectónicos; including Las Chullpas, which are funerary stone buildings, where they buried their dead.
The door or Portada del Sol is on the platform of the Kalasasaya, most important archaeological site of great monolithic temple ceremonial Tiwanaku.La cover is 3 m. high by 3.75 m. wide; its weight is estimated at 12 tons.
The lintel was carved in a block solapieza andesite and is fully sculpted in high and planorrelieve. The center is represented the God of Varas.
-Kalasasaya: AccesoEs door of one of the most important edificiosceremoniales the large set of Tiwanaku, built with large stones of 5 m. high, some blocks weigh more than 100 tons and were brought from great distances ranging from 10 to 300 km.
Ceramic Tiahuanaco Culture
The Tiwanaku style pottery presents symmetrical details, it is realistic and with a combination of black, ocher, red, white and gray. The most common type of vessel is the "kero", decorated in one side with a face of seemingly human forms, presented in low relief. Other examples of the Tiwanaku pottery are bottles with short neck, globular jars with vertical handles, pitchers double handle container bridge, and vases in the form of birds and human heads. No vessels decorated with fruit or plants are known. Designs include geometric patterns with concentric circles. Among the anthropomorphic, zoomorphic figures and phytomorphic emphasizes the use of the corn plant.
Characteristics of the Ceramic Tiwanaku:
-The Decoration is painted and incised.
-The Reasons are complex: they represent birds, cats, fish and snakes.
-Forms Common: botelliformes and large vessels with feline figures
Tiay vanaco ":" Sit down and decansa, guanaco "reads an Inca legend.
It is said that this phrase came from the lips of Inca conquered the Collao, to invite to sit in his presence to a chasqui who had gone back to Cuzco and Tiahuanaco carrying the important message. Admired by the athletic qualities of the man, comparing him honored him for his extraordinary speed, agile and elegant Andean camelid.
Since then, it states that the city retains the name of Tiahuanaco (Peru) or Tiwanaku (Bolivia).
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