viernes, 17 de julio de 2015

nazca culture

 Nazca is an archaeological culture of ancient Peru that developed mainly in the valleys of the current department of Ica, around the first century and fell into decline in the seventh century. Its center was located in Cahuachi, on the left bank of the Rio Grande, in the present province of Nazca.
Its area of ​​influence reached Chincha the range from north to Arequipa in the south and east until Ayacucho. Until the sixth century. C., increased its contacts with the Andean region, reaching even into the highlands of Ayacucho. This contact had special importance in the formation of the Huari culture.
A distinctive aspect of Nazca is its polychrome pottery, with figures of men, animals, plants, etc. In many of these ceramics they are mutilated representing men. The textile art flourished as much as in the time of the Paracas. They had a unique style of metalworking, although lower quality at the time of Chavin.
The most impressive of this civilization are the strokes made in the Pampas of Nazca, known as the Nazca Lines, which represent huge figures of animals, humans and geometric designs, made an unusually large scale and with high precision. its purpose is unknown, although it has been theorized to be a gigantescocalendario result of astronomical observations.
The nazquense economy was based on intensive agriculture. The Nazca to resolve the problem of uncultivated land on the coast by using a network of aqueducts, which is a feat of its hydraulic engineering.
A hundred kilometers from the city of Nazca is Cemetery of Chauchilla. A necropolis outdoors where despite looting still be seen mummies in good condition as well as potsherds


They have their economic base in agriculture, this activity was presented to the Nazca as a difficult challenge to overcome by the geographical characteristics of the region where they were developed, because the weather is quite dry, agricultural land are few and there is little water for irrigation due to low water carried by rivers such region of Peru especially the Rio Grande Basin.
The Nazca apparently also began to conduct business of materiality, exchanging products with the mountain societies contact Huarpas (in some cases with relatively distant societies of the coast) Trade nazquense should be important as it was for their ancestors who lived opposite a rich sea of ​​where they extracted their food and the traded overage. Related to the sea such as fishing and shellfishing, as demonstrated in many of the decorations appearing in ceramics. Marine icons appear not only as the whale, but also representations apparently intended to represent these activities. Besides fishing and shellfishing it thinks that hunting must have been another important complementary economic activity.
-Use Of irrigation canals and subterranean galleries built to take the water table in the area where the rivers flow beneath the surface. This technology is called puquio and apparently were the basis for irrigation nazquences .The inhabitants needed hydraulic intervention through aqueducts, canals and wells to provide water land; called irrigation channels, example is the construction of channels and puquio Cantalloc. For aqueducts, first they dug several wells located 20 or 50 meters each other, until they found the groundwater table. Then they connected with other underground channels. This system seeping ground water and carried it to the water reserves from which irrigated valleys. The Nazca also built reservoirs to store water.
The Nazca culture like most cultures of the Andean world, have their economic base in agriculture, this activity was presented to the Nazca as a difficult challenge to overcome by the geographical characteristics of the region where they were developed, because the weather is fairly dry, agricultural land are few and there is little water for irrigation due to low water carried by rivers such region Peru especially the Rio Grande Basin.


The social organization of the Nazca did not reach the political complexity of the Andean states, but had centralized authorities, constituted mainly by priests. These have the ability to organize community work and direct the complex ceremonial activities. Serving these authorities a lot of specialized, such as potters and textile workers, astrologers, musicians and artisans soldiers, who live in small towns and ceremonial centers, among which the complex of Cahuachi was. At the base of society the farmers and fishermen, which were scattered in various parts of the country were. Farmers had almost all of the valleys, as this could develop agriculture, with more space and fertile ground.

Nazca was divided into valleys, where there were settlements to extremes. These had their own authority as a priest. The elite lived in pyramidal buildings, utilities whose rooms were made of adobe walls and covered with a layer of plaster or lime to cover the cracks. The people lived in villages or on the outskirts of the city. Their houses were constructed placing carob tree trunks that defined the walls.


One of the customs that had the Nazca culture was: - The work they performed most often was accompanied by a banquet that was almost always chicha with several foods. - There is evidence of individual cults as offerings in the form of tied with plants, lint, hair, trophy heads, etc. - There is also evidence of collective worship, food consumption in ceremonial containers and musical accompaniment and drums bind. - Another custom that they had was that when for some reason it is judged that the resident guaca in the temple lost its power or was displeased, the community came to reconstruct it. Roofs and collapsed walls and columns were broken, but the foundations were carefully buried and sealed. On the platform a new atmosphere of worship was built. The number of reconstructions was related to the importance and political power of the community in charge of worship. - They were accustomed to human sacrifices in religious rituals or military ceremonies. - Modified the heads of people (dead), adorning them and weaving them to do their rituals, as an offering to their gods.

The geoglyphs
It is the best known artistic expression born. These are enormous drawings drawn on the pampas that is north of the settlement of Cahuachi. There anthropomorphic, zoomorphic and fitomorfas figures are presented, along straight lines several kilometers long. All have been carried out with a precision that to this day amazes the world.

Textiles from the Nazca culture
The Nazca were heirs of the Paracas necropolis in what refers to the art for the manufacture of fine weavings or fabric, but not of the same quality and luxury finishes.
The Nazca used for the production of its fabrics: cotton and wool from camels. At the height of textile art Nazca appreciate radical changes in design, composition and technique where stands the complex iconography with stylized images, not even creating abstract figurative compositions (rectangles, stepped frets, circles, stripes, cursive designs, etc).
In late Nazca cultural development is starting to show foreign influence with regard to technical making use of a greater number of threads to the fabric. In the same way, the colors are no longer intense and contrasting to make way for white lines that delineate the figures; iconographic repertoires suffer "lateral compression" and dyeing techniques reserve known as "tye die" and "patch work" appear. Goldsmiths
Used gold and silver to make masks, earrings, nose rings and other ritual objects, decorated by the embossing, as were sheets. These objects were for ceremonial and / or religious use.


Nazca culture pottery
This absence of color in textile art is solved successfully in the Nazca ceramics, as distinguished in The Nazca ceramics. Their vessels were made from fine clay and carefully polished. The forms had no beauty of the Moche figurines, but instead, were second in the colorful thus employed numerous and beautiful colors (polychrome). The images were painted. It is said that this pottery is pictorial.


The transition between the Paracas culture and the culture Nazca regarding pottery is marked by a shift from the resinous paint applied after firing paints and glazes precooking, and a change from textiles to ceramics as a means of artistic expression more important.
The Nazca potters came even apply up to seven colors to decorate their vessels. Another important feature is the cult Nazca trophy heads, which were found in hideouts in several cemeteries that define their material culture.
NazcaNinguna ceramic pottery outperformed born in the variety and beauty of the colors. In the drawings: the first huaco there is a strange feline holding in its claws, below çu language, the head of a human being. The second vessel is a multicolored bird. In the dish-shaped vessel is a series of stylized pallares. In the glass can be distinguished stylized figures of snakes and down, decapitated human heads.                            
However, these images were not a copy of nature, but rather very imaginative drawings free or reduced objects to their most basic features (stylized drawings). Usually they adorned as happened to the artist, who primarily sought to decorate the surface of the vessel.
Sometimes it is creating completely new, almost unrecognizable images. In some cases, as can be seen, there is a combination of human elements. (Anthropomorphic), animal (zoomorphic) and vegetables (fitomorfos).

In the vicinity of Cahuachi is the Estaquería, originally made up of 240 posts Huarango, distributed in 12 rows of 20 stakes each, on an artificial platform. Each stake is separated from one another by a distance of two meters and appear to be columns supporting a roof. Its purpose is unknown. Unfortunately, these stakes have been disappearing gradually and currently there are few in Nazca pie.Los used as main technique the use of adobe. It highlights the archaeological complex of Cahuachi, along the Rio Grande, with over 100 hectares. It has a pyramidal temple court, overlapping terraces, and a palace of the warlords, among six neighborhoods or well defined architectural complexes. It can detect two construction techniques: one with conical adobe walls and a thatch. It must have been the main ceremonial center of the Nazca.
Nazca other urban centers were Tambo Viejo, Huaca Loro and Pampa de Tinguiña.


Nazca Lines
Nazca Lines: Figure of bird But without doubt, one of the issues that has most excited the imagination of people is that related to the figures, lines and geometric shapes that were made over the desert on the south coast in an extension close to 500 km2 discovered in the Pampa del Ingenio, between Nazca and Palpa These lines and figures were discovered in 1926 by Toribio Mejia Xesspe disciple of Julio C. Tello and later rediscovered by anthropologist Paul Kosok in 1939. They are located in the pampas of San José de Socos, between km. 419 and 465 of the Panamericana Sur highway in an area of ​​500 km2.
These figures have been made by removing the layer of volcanic rock that covers the pampa, revealing the yellowish color of the surface, which is forming the outline of the figures.
Such designs on red desert gravel surface were made up the sand, so that could be seen yellowing of the floor. Animals, zooanthropomorphic beings, birds and flowers are combined with straight lines, zig zag, trapezoidal, fish, a monkey, a spider and other abstract forms.
It is true that the lines can be seen only from the air, but some researchers argue that this is an astronomical alignments purpose in order to develop a calendar image of the stars, while others favor because some of them have been used and ritual paths.
The drawings are located in Pampas of Nazca, along nearly 50 km and cover an area of ​​350 km, within which there are more than 10 000 lines, where gigantic figures as it includes:. Mono (90 m long), the hummingbird (50 m), Spider (46 m), gannets (135 m), the whale (68 m) among others.

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