viernes, 17 de julio de 2015

paracas caverns culture

Geographic location
Paracas Caverns (700 BC -. 500 BC.)
According to Tello, it is the oldest period, linked to the Chavin influence, especially in ceramics. According to the findings in Cerro Colorado, the Paracas tombs of this period were dug underground with inverted cup-shaped bottle of champagne or turtleneck at a depth of more than 6 meters where enfardeladas placed their mummies. These are in perfect condition, thanks to the climatic conditions of the desert. Many of the corpses show cranial trepanation practices.
The archaeological remains found in Cerro Colorado include male and female mummies of different ages. The bodies are placed in a fetal position and wrapped with regular and complex textiles, brightly colored and decorated with figures of animals, fish, snakes and geometric shapes.
Geographic location
The Paracas culture developed mainly between Pisco and Ica rivers and the peninsula of Paracas (Ica region). In its period of greatest expansion, it spreads north to Chincha and as far south as Yauca in the Arequipa region.
Some believe that the main focus of the Paracas could be located in Tajahuana, in the valley of Ica, Ocucaje the sector. It was a large fortified settlement on top of a rock of easy defense.

Paracas pottery Caverns
Most characteristic of Paracas Cavern, his ceramics are modeled with a variety of decorative shapes. The designs were made with incised lines. They were baked and painted with pigments mixed with vegetable resin colors.

Political organization of the Paracas
The political organization of the Paracas culture was predominant class to the priestly class, together with the warrior nobility.
Social organization of Paracas
The Paracas culture was a theocratic society influenced by the Chavin culture, and the use of terrifying gods and worship the cat.
The economy of the Paracas culture was based primarily on agriculture and fishing (which was carried out on horses of reeds, with shellfish harvesting

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